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Showing posts from October, 2015

Kids, Sugar, and Metabolic Mechanisms

Anti-sugar/fructose researcher and diet book author Robert Lustig has a new trial published in Obesity claiming to have reduced fructose in the diet of kids, and isocalorically replaced it with starch, leading to improvements in metabolic health. This would be a big deal if conducted really well, since fructose has some unique properties to its metabolism relative to just boring old glucose. As of now, it appears that fructose's detrimental effects are due to overconsumption of calories (1). There is, however, a theoretical concern that insulin sensitive vs insulin resistant individuals (2) respond to fructose differently, as fructose, according to rodent studies (3), appears a particularly good substrate for de novo lipogenesis and contributes to excess liver fat. Sugar is postulated to be terrible for all sorts of people, but as I understand, it's been theorized that high fructose consumption, even under eucaloric conditions, can increasee hepatic liver fat in individuals w...