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Showing posts from February, 2016

Is Organic More Nutritious? Part 2

A couple years ago I blogged about a study that found organic crops to be higher in 'antioxidants' and what that meant from a health perspective. Now, the same group of researchers have published data, in two separate papers (1,2), on the differences in nutritional profiles between organic vs conventional meats and dairy, mostly focusing on the fatty acid compositions. Naturally, the media has taken to promoting the hell out of this message: Should you be buying organic meat and dairy for the nutritional value? For my TL;DR folks, the on-average changes instilled by the organic systems produce low impact differences in the nutrient profiles, requiring excessive intakes of meat/dairy fats to get to meaningful doses known to impart a physiological effect. Furthermore, when you consider these differences in the context of the whole diet, changes in nutrients like short and long chain omega 3 fats still don't make organic meats and dairy competitive against other cost...