If you haven't heard the comments made by David Attenborough regarding humans having stopped evolving, see this ( http://tinyurl.com/khdapmd ). This post only seeks to further support comments made by prominent evolutionary biologists and anthropologists who have already pointed out the flaws in Attenborough's thinking ( http://tinyurl.com/msy24eh ). As I've pointed out on this blog before, there's a gap in the understanding of human evolution - a lot of people think that only selection is acting as a force of evolution. Attenborough's comments state that humans have stopped selective forces, with the advent of medicine and birth control, etc etc. This is why I wrote the second blog topic on understanding evolutionary and what we can infer about health - there are more forces of evolution than just selection. Evolution is, simply, the change in allele frequencies over time. Alleles are constantly under the effects of genetic drift, with an allele having the p...
Nutritional Sciences: Basic Science and Clinical Perspectives