Recently, a small trial (1) testing the efficacy of nutrigenetics-based dietary advice for weight loss was published and made its way around twitter. I saw a number of people saying "weight loss is weight loss, you don't need special diets" or things of the sort, kind of downplaying the potential of nutrigenetics. I'm pretty realistic about nutrigenetic-based dietary counseling, if you've read my December post for Alan Aragon's Research Review . But I wanted to comment on this study since I found it pretty disappointing, and people's reactions toward it were pretty 'poo poo' -ey about nutrigenetics. In general, the consensus is that the science isn't there to support nutrigenetics-based dietary counseling (2). I'd argue that, for complex traits (eg prevention of chronic disease, weight loss) the science really really isn't there. Even for more deterministic polymorphisms in simpler pathways (eg. CYP1A2 variants affecting caffeine m...
Nutritional Sciences: Basic Science and Clinical Perspectives