Michele Simon, a public health lawyer and advocate , recently published an expose of the ties between the American Society for Nutrition (ASN) and certain industries - you can find the full report here . The report caused quite the stir on twitter, getting play from the MotherJones , ScientificAmerican , and the accolades of a number of twitter celebs. Yoni Freedhoff kindly tweeted the report, suggesting that Ms Simon is only 'questioning' the ties between ASN and industry; alas, reading the report shows that much more than just 'questioning' is going on here - the title alone speaks to that': "Nutrition Scientists on the Take from Big Food - Has the American Society for Nutrition lost all credibility?" As Andrew Kniss pointed out on twitter, ASN being "on the take" is quite the accusation. The report won't surprise anyone who has followed Ms Simon in the past. She wrote a similar report about the Academy of Nutrition and Dieteti...
Nutritional Sciences: Basic Science and Clinical Perspectives